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Milton Montoya Pardo

International Counsel

Milton Montoya is a Ph.D. in Law, Master in Energy Law, and author of multiple international publications. He is a former advisor to the Presidency of the Colombian National Mining Agency, former advisor to the Administrative Unit of Public Services of Bogota, former consultant to the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe -BGR-) on the Study of Mining and Human Rights in Colombia and former consultant of the German Society for International Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH). He has also participated as expert in the PORTEX Project promoted by the World Bank, and current Research Director of the Mining and Energy Law Department of the Universidad Externado de Colombia. He has vast experience in the Colombian and Latin American Energy Sector. His professional development has been closely linked to advising and consulting for public and private entities in the regulatory, energy, environmental and social area for the undertaking and execution of extractive projects in Colombia. He has been part of multiple Due Diligence processes in the Extractive Industry. Milton is an active member of the Academic Council of the Energy and Natural Resources Section of the International Bar Association IBA, and “Of counsel” at Holland & Knight Colombia.


  • University of Dundee, Newton Fund-British Council Scholar (Post-Doctoral Research Studies, Dundee-U.K.).
  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Doctorate in Law, Ph.D), Madrid-Spain.
  • Instituto Superior de la Energía (ISE)-Fundación Repsol-YPF Cremades Calvo Sotelo Abogados (Master in Energy Law), Madrid-Spain.
  • Universidad Externado de Colombia (Diploma in Electricity and Gas Regulation), Bogotá-Colombia.
  • Universidad Externado de Colombia (Lawyer), Bogotá-Colombia.

Languages: Spanish, English and German.


Areas: Energy, Due Diligence, M&A, Environmental, Investment Advisory.

See Full CV